Entry of Support Payments
Payments are entered by Date, Amount, and a space for a brief note about the payment. Once entered, a listing of all of the payments can be printed in order to be able to quickly check the accuracy of the payments entered.
Entry of the Support Obligation
The support obligation will be stated in the support judgment. It will usually begin on a certain date and provide for regular periodic payments. If there is more than one child involved, the obligation will not end but will be reduced and continue until support of the youngest child has ended. The program allows for seven reductions of support. The entry of a support obligation consists of the date of the first payment, the amount of the payment, the period that it repeats and the date it ends with a space for a short comment.
Entry of any Judgment of Support Arrearage
There is provision for seven judgments to be entered. Enter the judgment date, the amount of the arrearage, the amount of the interest, and depending on the date of the judgment, the program will insert the interest rate for you. The interest rate is determined by statute. Also, that although required, some judgments do not separate the interest from the arrearage. If possible it is important to do so because under the current Family Code, interest is not charged on interest, and payments are allocated to the support due before the interest.
Application of Payments
The program follows the dictates of the Texas Family Code in the application of any payment to the amounts due. First the payment is made to discharge any payment that is less than 30 days past due. After that the payment is applied to unconfirmed child support and then to confirmed support arrears. Finally, the excess, if any is applied to the interest being accumulated.
Report the Arrearage and Interest
Click on the button labeled "Generate Report" and you are done. Print the report which has the desired detail of the support events for presentation to the client or in court.
Monthly Payment to Reduce Arrearage
The last tab on the program is "Reduction Comp". This will allow you to make a rough estimate of the amount of monthly payment which will be necessary to discharge the arrearage over a period of time while it is accumulating interest.